The Programmer Disk
The Programmer Disk (Microforum).iso
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BASIC Source File
230 lines
'| |
'| Purpose: Test program to test the routines in VIDTOOLS.BAS |
'| |
'| Modules: LINEEDIT (Main) |
'| |
'| $INCLUDE file: 'tools.bi' |
'$INCLUDE: 'tools.bi'
DECLARE SUB LineEdit (Row%, Col%, CurPos%, A$, VwindowSize%, DisplayLen%, CurOffset%, Kee%, Separaters$, Terminators(), EditMask$, AutoTerminate%)
CONST True = -1
CONST False = 0
DIM Frame AS Frame 'Let's get fancy
DIM Terminators(10) 'Make room for ten terminators
'---- Initialize EditStrings
MaxChoice = 9
DIM EditStrings$(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM CurPostions(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM CurOffset%(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM EditRow%(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM EditCol%(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM WindSize%(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM DisplaySize%(1 TO MaxChoice)
DIM EditMask$(1 TO MaxChoice)
'---- Get the default Insert state.
InsIsOn% = InsertState%
GOSUB DefineEditorVariables
GOSUB DrawInputScreen
Choice = 1 'Designate first edit choice
'---- AutoTerminate, when true, forces exit at end of field
AutoTerminate = False
IF Choice = 5 OR Choice = 6 OR Choice = 7 THEN AutoTerminate = True
'---- Call the Line Editor with appropriate strings, choices, etc.
LineEdit EditRow%(Choice), EditCol(Choice), CurPostions(Choice), EditStrings$(Choice), WindSize(Choice), DisplaySize(Choice), CurOffset%(Choice), LastKey%, Separaters$, Terminators(), EditMask$(Choice), AutoTerminate%
'---- Restore the screen line before moving on.
COLOR 15, 5
LOCATE EditRow%(Choice), EditCol(Choice)
PRINT LEFT$(EditStrings$(Choice) + SPACE$(DisplaySize(Choice)), DisplaySize(Choice))
BotRowReached = False
IF Choice = MaxChoice THEN BotRowReached = True
IF LastKey% = -72 THEN Choice = Choice - 1 'Up
IF Choice < 1 THEN Choice = MaxChoice 'Wrap to last
IF LastKey = -73 THEN Choice = 1 'PgUp
IF LastKey% = 13 THEN Choice = Choice + 1 'Enter
IF LastKey% = -80 THEN Choice = Choice + 1 'Down
IF Choice > MaxChoice THEN Choice = 1 'Wrap to first
IF LastKey% = -81 THEN Choice = MaxChoice 'PgDn
LOOP UNTIL ((BotRowReached AND LastKey = 13) OR LastKey = 27)
'---- Restore the screen
COLOR 7, 0: CLS 'Clear the screen
TurnInsertOn InsIsOn% 'Reset insert to original
'---- Prove changes were made by redisplaying all edit strings
FOR N = 1 TO MaxChoice
PRINT EditStrings$(N)
END 'And, we're out of here!
Frame.boxType = 2: Frame.filClr = 3 'Define the frame parameters
Frame.fore = 15: Frame.back = 1
Frame.lftCol = 1: Frame.rgtCol = 80
Frame.tRow = 1: Frame.bRow = 13
Box Frame 'Draw frame for input fields
Frame.back = 4: Frame.filClr = 4
Frame.tRow = 15: Frame.bRow = 19
Frame.boxType = 4: Box Frame 'Draw frame for edit help box
COLOR 1, 3 'Tell user what process is
LOCATE 3, 32
PRINT "Edit Data Routine"
LOCATE 11, 3: COLOR 4, 3 'Display brief help message
PRINT "Use: "; CHR$(24); " "; CHR$(25); " PgUp PgDn. <Enter> on last entry to process changes. <Esc>: Abort"
COLOR 15, 3 'Finish setting up the form
LOCATE 5, 3: PRINT "Last/First => ";
LOCATE , 37: PRINT ","
LOCATE 6, 3: PRINT "Address => "
LOCATE 7, 3: PRINT "Telephone => ( ) -";
LOCATE 8, 3: PRINT "Memo => "
LOCATE 9, 3: PRINT "Save To => "
COLOR 15, 4 'Messages inside of Help Box
LOCATE 16, 33: PRINT "Editor Commands"
LOCATE 17, 4
PRINT "Scroll line: ─"; CHR$(16); " "; CHR$(17); "─ <Home> <End> <Ctrl> + ─"; CHR$(16); " <Ctrl> + "; CHR$(17); "─"
LOCATE 18, 4
PRINT "Delete with: <Delete> <Backspace> <Ctrl> + <Home> <Ctrl> + <End>"
COLOR 15, 5
FOR N = 1 TO MaxChoice
LOCATE EditRow%(N), EditCol(N)
PRINT LEFT$(EditStrings$(N) + SPACE$(DisplaySize(N)), DisplaySize(N))
'---- Initialize LineEdit's Terminators array. Terminators are
' REQUIRED by the editor. The zeroeth element of the array
' defines how many elements the editor will use.
Terminators(False) = 5 'Only using first 5 for right now
Terminators(1) = 27 'Terminate on Esc key
Terminators(2) = -72 'Terminate on Up arrow
Terminators(3) = -80 'Terminate on Down arrow
Terminators(4) = -73 'Terminate on Page Up
Terminators(5) = -81 'Terminate on Page Down
'---- These terminators are not used in this demo example. We've
' DIMmed Terminators (10) so 2 more can still be defined.
Terminators(6) = -132 'Terminate on Ctrl + Page Up
Terminators(7) = -118 'Terminate on Ctrl + Page Down
Terminators(8) = -68 'Terminate on F10 key
'---- Initialize LineEdit's word separater string
Separaters$ = " .:-(){}\/"
'---- Define some data. Note data could be retrieved from file or DATA
EditStrings$(1) = "Stone"
EditRow%(1) = 5
EditCol(1) = 17
WindSize(1) = False
DisplaySize(1) = 20
'---- "A*" + string "a"
EditMask$(1) = LEFT$("A*" + STRING$(DisplaySize(1), 97), DisplaySize(1))
EditStrings$(2) = "Lawrence"
EditRow%(2) = 5
EditCol(2) = 39
WindSize(2) = False
DisplaySize(2) = 20
'---- "A" + string "*"
EditMask$(2) = LEFT$("A" + STRING$(DisplaySize(2), 42), DisplaySize(2))
EditStrings$(3) = "1234"
EditRow%(3) = 6
EditCol(3) = 14
WindSize(3) = False
DisplaySize(3) = 9
EditMask$(3) = STRING$(DisplaySize(3), "8")
EditStrings$(4) = "Main Street"
EditRow%(4) = 6
EditCol(4) = 24
WindSize(4) = False
DisplaySize(4) = 35
EditStrings$(5) = "503"
EditRow%(5) = 7
EditCol(5) = 17
WindSize(5) = False
DisplaySize(5) = 3
EditMask$(5) = STRING$(DisplaySize(5), "9")
EditStrings$(6) = "756"
EditRow%(6) = 7
EditCol(6) = 21
WindSize(6) = False
DisplaySize(6) = 3
EditMask$(6) = STRING$(DisplaySize(6), "9")
EditStrings$(7) = "5935"
EditRow%(7) = 7
EditCol(7) = 25
WindSize(7) = False
DisplaySize(7) = 4
EditMask$(7) = STRING$(DisplaySize(7), "9")
EditStrings$(8) = "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their "
EditStrings$(8) = EditStrings$(8) + "fellow countrymen. In the land of the blind, the one-"
EditStrings$(8) = EditStrings$(8) + "eyed man is king. Good QB programmers always respond "
EditStrings$(8) = EditStrings$(8) + "to a challange and, in so doing, become better programmers."
EditRow%(8) = 8
EditCol(8) = 11
WindSize(8) = 300
DisplaySize(8) = 67
EditRow%(9) = 9
EditCol(9) = 14
WindSize(9) = False
DisplaySize(9) = 64